Crea8 Sustainability Competition
frequently asked questions
The theme for the competition this year will be “The Green Key”. The primary level competition aims to encourage students to create art from waste while the Secondary and Tertiary level competition challenges youths to use their online voice and talent to encourage, educate and advocate on issues surrounding sustainability through the creation of a short video.
All students studying in Singapore in either a MOE school, tertiary institution and international educational institution; and homeschoolers are eligible to participate.
For Primary level, students are required to submit an art piece or upcycled project showcasing recycled waste items. The art piece or upcycled project can comprise of 3D elements, of which participants are encouraged to use non-recyclable items that would have otherwise been thrown away. The art piece or upcycled project must be an original creation by the participant. The participant is not permitted to use in excess of 10% new materials to create the art piece or upcycled project.
For Secondary and Tertiary level, students are required to create a short #SustainabilityInAction video based on ONE of the following themes – Sustainable Living, Energy Consciousness & Climate Action. The video will be evaluated based on its Relevance, Flow, Creativity and Execution.
Further details can be found in the competition rules
All submissions should be made via the online registration portal
No, multiple entries are not permitted. Each student (applicable for primary, secondary, and tertiary level competition) or group (applicable for secondary and tertiary level competition only) is only allowed to submit one (1) entry.
Entries must be submitted via the online submission portal by the closing at 11.59pm on 7 April 2021. Special exemptions may be granted on a case-by-case basis after review by the Crea8 Sustainability organising committee.
All entries must be submitted electronically via the online registration portal.
Selected winners of the Competition will be required to submit their original work for display at the awards ceremony.
All original work must be sent to:
Ms. Sabrina Faisal, Corporate Communication Executive
8 Jurong Town Hall Road
#12-01/06 The JTC Summit
Singapore 609434
All winners will be notified via email by June 2023.
The judging panel will comprise of representatives from both PacificLight Power Pte Ltd and its supporting partners. The judges’ decision is final.
Category: Primary (Lower and Upper Primary respectively)
1st prize – Trophy, Certificate of Award and $150 book vouchers
2nd prize – Trophy, Certificate of Award and $100 book vouchers
3rd prize – Trophy, Certificate of Award and $75 book vouchers
Merit – Certificate of Award and $50 book vouchers each x 3 Merit Winners
Category: Secondary
1st prize – Trophy , Certificate of Award and $300 book vouchers
2nd prize – Trophy, Certificate of Award and $250 book vouchers
3rd prize – Trophy, Certificate of Award and $150 book vouchers
Audience Choice – Certificate of Award and $100 book vouchers x 1 winner
Category: Tertiary
1st prize – Trophy, Certificate of Award and $300 CapitaMall vouchers
2nd prize – Trophy, Certificate of Award and $250 CapitaMall vouchers
3rd prize – Trophy, Certificate of Award and $150 CapitaMall vouchers
Audience Choice – Certificate of Award and $100 CapitaMall vouchers x 1 winner
The award ceremony will be held in Q3 2023. Details of the ceremony will be provided to the competition winners closer to the date.
By entering the PacificLight 2023 Crea8 Sustainability Competition, you permit us to use and reproduce your submission. Original submissions will be returned by November 2023 where a return address has been provided. Alternatively, arrangements can be made to pick up the original artwork from PacificLight’s office once the collection dates are confirmed.
Yes, any primary, secondary or tertiary student studying in Singapore may participate in the 2023 competition.